Note: Once given approval to launch your social media profile, you will need to add TBD, marketing specialist, (email:, as an administrator on this account for Facebook, or email your username and password to Katie for all other accounts. Your profiles should also include a disclaimer that your postings do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the University. This disclaimer should read: "While the content of this page is posted on behalf of (Department, organization or program name), the content does not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of Northwest Missouri State University." This should be posted in the About Us section on Facebook and twitter, and in a visible place on any other platform.
Note: Your profiles should also include a disclaimer that your postings do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the University. This disclaimer should read: "While the content of this page is posted on behalf of (Department, organization or program name), the content does not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of Northwest Missouri State University." This should be posted in the about us section on Facebook and twitter, and in a visible place on any other platform.
Note: Once approved, you will need to email your username and password to the Northwest Social Media Team ( so this can be maintained in the event you leave the University or are out on an extended leave.